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VBTP Hexagon socket recessed pan head screw (TCBEI) ergal 7075T6 , 6 colors
Ergal screws 7075 T6
Made with solid material using CNC no thread rolling or other systems. So you get the best quality as the material is not heated or pressed keeping its features.
Born for the motorcycle division they can be used in many other applications thanks to their mechanical strength and light weight. They can be used in cycling, cars, shipbuilding industry and aeronautics and nowadays they are used for serial products.
Recently they are used also to put together electric or electronic parts without mentioning industry and mechanics where the machinery weight is very important for its functioning.
They are available in kit or separately ( see catalogue).
On demand we can supply special screws also on drawing.
The solid material manufacturing is always updated thanks to our machinery able to supply you high quality items.
The material ERGAL 7075 T6 that we use for those products has its statement of compliance that is available on demand...
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