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Sale of any product from the Telemecanique catalog at competitive prices
2technologie will help you choose and buy products and spare parts from Telemecanique (official website: We sell only certified goods and give an official guarantee from the manufacturer Telemecanique
Compact range for light to medium duty applications
European standard products (EN50047) have positive opening contacts, even in snap action versions which allow use in safety applications
XCKP/T/D variable composition ranges offer the advantages of a metal head, high performance and world wide availability through distribution
XCKN monolithic plastic version is dedicated to repetitive machines
Classic range Historical Telemecanique formats very popular worldwide
XCKM (3 cable entries) and XCKL (1 cable entry) are a good and improved choice for multipurpose medium duty metal body products
XCKS Plastic format (EN50041)
Miniature range Robust products in a small size format
Ideal for harsh environment machines with space constraints
XCMD share the same heads as compact range, and offer also positive opening contacts, even in snap action versions which allow use in safety applications
XCMN monolithic plastic version is dedicated to repetitive machines
Industrial range Robust products in a standardized format (EN50041) for heavy duty use
XCKJ offer the most robust head in his category, snap positive contacts and a fixed of plug-in body
materials handling
food and beverage
service sector, etc.