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Telescopic pipe cutter with saw blade available in two different types:
For cut copper pipes with Ø 3 - 32mm (1/8'' - 1 1/14'')
For cut thin steel pipes with Ø 3 - 32mm (1/8'' - 1 1/14'')
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What we like about this Telescopic 32 pipe cutter:
the pipe cutter roller are elongated and rectified, this allows a better alignment of the tube
Telescopic is integrated with pipe deburring, to complete the job with only one tool
Spare part roller (saw blade) in the hand wheel, for increasingly be operating
it's good for measures in millimeters (mm) and in inch ('')
Don't threading and it makes it easier to cut the deburred pipe thanks to rectified and grooved rollers
Easy flowing of pivoted hand wheels
Telescopic pipe cutter quick progress and ideal for small spaces