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Control tool "HELP" for leak test of water systems equipped with pressure gauge in glycerine pulse free, up to 40 bar / 580 PSI.
What we like about this gauge with a plant shut-off valve:
Interposed between the pump and the system allows for long tests without leaving the pump at the construction site
For use on all MGF tools pressure test pumps (discover the pressure testing pumps)
Hot stamped brass body that provides strength and reliability
Best reading of pressure changes on a small scale, the tests are more accurate, thanks to the ability to view smaller pressure variations
Placed in appropriate points of the circuit it facilitates degassing and sectioning of the installations simplifying the work
Upon request we provide the calibration report of the test manometer
Control instrument to be used in combination with MGF Tools pressure testing pumps, composed of:
a precision pressure gauge
a sectioning of the installation valve