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Robust ratchet bender, allows you to perform twists and bends in a vice. Professional plumbing tool made in Italy.
What we like the pipe bending tool MASTER by MGFTools:
For pipes in millimeter and inches, annealed copper, insulated annealed copper, multilayer, mild steel and aluminum
It reduces the cost of installation and storage of fittings
Attention, a pipe without fittings and bent is more safe, presents a lower pressure drop and break points and costs less
Rapid and professional execution thanks to the calculation of the geometry of the curve
Wide range of matrices compatible with the entire range of the manufacturer MGFTools
Patented former for the bending pipes with soft coating, also for the conditioning, on request
Professional tool for plumbers MADE IN ITALY by MGFTools
Simple construction with gear rack, much more robust than a hydraulic bender (there are no seals to break)
Bending and metal, rugged and reliable, even curving copper pipes just annealed
Possibility of using it in the grip, more power with less effort
The possibility of bending in traction as well as in thrust allows you to make curves in difficult positions