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MGF Manual Pressing Tool with Universal Jaw for Dies mounted and supplied with jaw dies: Ø 16 - 20 - 26 mm with profile TH.
What we like about this manual pressing tool for radial pressfitting connection:
Safe, thanks to the anti-crushing protection of the fingers
Lightweight, weighs only 3,4 kg
Compact, size: 620 x 100 x 30 mm
Pressing tool
Jaw dies with profile TH, measures: 16, 20 e 26
Compatible with all MGF jaw dies
Levers / arms produced in drawn iron, laser worked and welded, powder coated red
Handles in black PVC resistant to organic and inorganic chemicals such as oils, greases, fuels, solvents 121 x 16,5 x 35 mm
MINI Universal Jaw for dies to the base, produced in tempered steel worked with numeric machines
Reduces the cost of the jaws thanks to the interchangeable jaw with dies
Produced in Italy in the MGF Tools factories
For pressing fittings in the pressfitting systems
Quick change of the dies within a few seconds