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Pressing tool jaws made using advanced technology, to ensure the maximum precision, for watertight fittings pressing fittings in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications.
MGF's pressfitting jaws ensure: safety, no breaks or damages with our jaws, and press without mistakes about profile or pressing quality; value of your investment, because any work tool has to remain for many years in the plumber tools box, resisting the stress of the building site, being cheap at the same time.
Mgf tools pressfitting jaws ensure the best quality/price ratio.
What we love about this pressfitting jaw type V:
Made with advanced technologies, compatible with most used press tools: RIDGID, REMS, KLAUKE, NOVOPRESS, REHAU, UPONOR, VIRAX, ROTHENBERGER...
Maximum precision in pressing technology, to ensure watertight fittings and pressing in compliance with the manufacturers' specifications
Safety, to work without risk of injury, mistaken profile or pressing
Value of your investment because every business tool must remain for many years in your toolbox, withstand the rigors of the construction site and time
The long life is guaranteed by the ruggedness of the design, materials and workmanship
Synchronization mechanism of the pressed, highest precision coupling and pressed perfect
Quality controls three-dimensional, maximum precision coupling and pressed perfect
Double tempera induction, durability and safety
All parts are made of forged steel
Galvanizing silver for all components, resists corrosion over time, better than black pressfitting jaws
Pin constant section: no weak points