Kuhnke (Brand of Kendrion)
Part number
AirBox K-F-GE-MO
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The pneumatic AS-Interface module AirBox K has 4 digital inputs and 2 pneumatical outputs. The input sockets can be wired up with sensors (PNP, via M12 plugs) in 2- or 3-wire connection. The sensors are supplied with energy from the pneumatic module. The integrated pneumatic outputs take the form of two pre-controlled 4/2 way valves (0.1 bar vacuum to 8 bar; 500 Nl/min) with a common compressed-air supply and separate air outlets. These outlets can be operated by hand by means of separate overrides. Two double-acting cylinders, for example, can be connected to a module of this series. Standard 8 mm tube connectors are used for the connections to the outputs and the compressed-air supply. Use outside diameter tubing only.