Kuenle Antriebssysteme
Sale of any product from the Kuenle Antriebssysteme catalog at competitive prices
2technologie will help you choose and buy products and spare parts from Kuenle Antriebssysteme (official website: ). We sell only certified goods and give an official guarantee from the manufacturer Kuenle Antriebssysteme
For more than 75 years, you have received technology and service from KÜENLE Antriebssysteme from a single source.
From the very beginning, the aim of KÜENLE Antriebssysteme has been to provide electrical power for a wide variety of applications
to provide drives that influence an entire process in a cost-optimal manner,
at a high technical level!
competent, individual and fast!
The traditional strengths of KÜENLE Antriebssysteme are the production, conversion and delivery of three-phase asynchronous motors of the type series
KTE light and effective thanks to the aluminum housing
KDG with cast iron housing also for robust areas of application
The new compact drives of the series are an innovative further development compared to the standard motors
KFU-tronic powerful up to 22 kW in a robust aluminum housing
for multifunctional use
mounted centrally on the motor instead of a terminal box
decentralized for wall mounting
Individual drive systems - for special requirements and high loads
from the control cabinet to the drive
on request also advice, installation and commissioning on site
An overview of the other diverse KÜENLE delivery program, for example
three-phase asynchronous generators,
gearboxes and geared motors,
Frequency converter,
and much more