Gamma System
Sale of any product from the Gamma System catalog at competitive prices
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Conductive sensitive type “B1NC” and B2C” feature a thermoplastic type with two co extruded parts of conductive material (sensor) and two copper wires to stabilize the resistive value of the contact on the whole length of the edge. Particularly suitable for outside use, in any environment and temperature range (-15°C to +55°C), it can be supplied as a “do it yourself” solution with a series of accessories allowing to the customer/installer to implement the edge directly on the machine.
Sensitive edges GAMMA SYSTEM feature as well a channel section mounting in aluminium “C”. Iron mounting “I” and angle section ”L” can be added to enable respectively horizontal and vertical fixing. In accordance with EN ISO 13856-2 and EN ISO 13849-1; EN 12978 for motorized doors and edges.