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Eurogi provides the new earth fault indicator range for Medium Voltage Network protection: a wide range of solutions to meet all the requirements from low-cost devices up to complete and high-performing earth fault indicators
Characteristics of EFI.06 earth fault indicator:
Designed for the installation on Medium Voltage cells of electricity distribution network
Local and remote signalling by flashing LED and SCADA relay contact to indicate when the earth current exceed the preset value
Up to 4 level of trip currents that can be selected by means of internal jumpers
4 reset modes: time-delay, 230Vac mains voltage, local and remote reset. The time-delay of automatic reset can be selected by internal jumpers
Correct operation can be checked pressing the push-button on the front
Self-powered by the internal lithium battery with 10 year lifetime
Electronic module enclosed in IP55 box linked to the external current transformer
CBCT ring-type split current transformer composed by two halves that can be installed without MV cables disconnection and held together by a metallic screw tie