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EFI02 is the earth fault passage indicator device designed for MV networks, that provides earth fault alarm signalling by a flashing LED when a flow of earth fault current has occurred. The EFI02 device is composed by a IP55 box that contains the electronic module which is connected to an external current transformer placed around the MV cable. It is self-powered by means of the internal battery that ensures 10 year lifetime.
By pressing the pushbutton on the front, it is possible to check the operation of the whole range of cable fault passage indicators.
The earth fault passage indicators are fully tested and calibrated in the factory, without need of any further action. Once installed, the indicators are ready to operate. The earth current is continuously checked by the device, which turns into fault mode - with the LED flashing once per second - when the earth current exceeds the trip level for more than the delay time.
Please see the product manual to get more information about the operating modes and the ways to reset the device.