Programmable control unit
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- Universal industrial data logger, optionally with six-digit display (PCU-100-D).
- One input channel - 4-20 mA current loop, optional with HART® communication protocol (PCU-100 -_- H).
- It is possible to choose a unit with a GSM module for remote data management (PCU-100-_G).
- Connection to a PC via a micro USB port, UniScada application (downloadable at for setting up the unit and the connected sensor (only versions with HART® communication).
- Contains a power supply source for sensor.
- Easily readable backlit LCD display that allows display configuration, including bar graph.
- Large selection of displayed units, including user-defined ones.
- Storage of data with user-defined period onto internal continuously overwritten flash memory with 500,000-record capacity.
- Ability to export data to a microSD card manually or automatically (at intervals or when internal memory is full).
- Many transfer characteristics: linear, quadratic, radical, user-defined tables with linear approximation or conversion to volume according to specified tank parameters.
- Real-time battery backup circuit.
- Full user-defined relay output (alarm, two-position regulation).
- Optional expansion with communication modules.
- Supply voltage 85-253 V AC.